Shilpi Patel, Ed.S
Consultant, Coach, Advocate, Collaborator
I have over 25 years of experience in special education in Northern Virginia. My primary focus in the various positions held throughout my career has been to promote equity, accessibility, and excellence in special education programs by improving quality of evidence-based practices, and creating student-centered learning environment at the core.
Currently, I am a consultant and an advocate for parents of children with special needs where my strong knowledge of evidence-based practices, knowledge of key components for Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and regulations that govern special education helps in developing a cornerstone for quality education for each child. I am also a George Mason University- university supervisor for special education teacher interns where I provide performance feedback and coaching, professional expertise, and resources to teacher candidates to ensure they are implementing IEP with fidelity.

About Me
What is an educational consultant?
Special Educational Consultants are usually education professionals who have a
degree in education. Some have advanced degrees along with specialized training in various assessments and special education. They have the ability to diagnose, ability to evaluate assessment reports, and evaluate instructional and behavioral practices and needs of your child.
Additionally, they have a working knowledge of both the federal and state laws relating to special education. They can work with your child, the family, and the school team to see what additional assessments are needed to ensure a customized programming for your child. They can achieve a more objective perspective on your child’s strengths and weaknesses to identify reasonable academic targets and help determine what is needed in order to succeed in school. They support you through the entire process.
Educational Consultants can be both a consultant and an advocate for your child!
Why hire an educational consultant?
Supporting your child
Is your child struggling academically, behaviorally, socially, or emotionally in
school and do you need help in understanding why?
Working with your school
Do you want to ensure that the school is providing the supports your child needs
in order to be successful?
Placement and Services
Are you wondering about placement and service options that are available to
your child?
Individualized Education Plan
Would you like assistance in understanding the results of your child’s evaluations and how they can be used in developing your childs IEP?
SPED Consulting can help to answer these questions and more.
You can be assured of an understanding, professional and a confidential ear.
What People have to say.
Assisting parents in better understanding their child’s unique educational, social and emotional needs and in navigating the special education process
Attending school meetings when requested by the parents
Conducting observations and school visits as requested by the parents
Facilitating communications between the parents and the student’s school-based team, or service providers involved with the student as requested by the parents
Assuring that the educational plans and interventions are specific, measurable, evidence-based, implemented with fidelity and utilize appropriate progress monitoring tools.
Helping parents understand the multi-tiered system of supports available in schools to assist students who may be struggling academically, socially, or emotionally
Supporting collaboration with your child’s school-based team, and other school-based staff to develop and implement accommodations, interventions, or special education services
Reviewing and analyzing records, psycho-educational evaluations, progress monitoring data, and Individualized Education Plans (IEP), to make recommendations for additional support services or revisions to the IEP to ensure your child is making progress
Collaborating with school staff and parents on the development of Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), or Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) when needed
Utilizing data from a variety of available sources to facilitate a data inquiry dialogue that frames a shared understanding of problems and solutions
Core Values
I believe that collaborating with all stakeholders and working in unison to enable student success is possible by providing equitable educational supports and services to all students. On behalf of the parents, as a consultant, I am committed to focusing on solutions-oriented process and aim to bridge gaps between a student’s needs and school’s support services and resources. I believe in creating a partnership where you feel you are heard, engaged, supported, and empowered. I value the strengths and gifts parents from diverse backgrounds bring to the process.
As a consultant and a former educator, I seek to first understand, then to be understood.
Coordinated general and technical assistance supports to special education staff and administrators to support program development and compliance with regulations
Oversaw and served as a resource to site district administrators, special education department staff, general education staff, and parents for program decisions and assisted with development and implementation of appropriate Individual Education Programs (IEP)
Problem-solved by collaborating with all stakeholders to work constructively to address concerns related to programs and services resulting in better student outcomes
Ed.S., Administration and Supervision, May 2003, University of Virginia
M.Ed., Special Education, January 1993, George Mason University
B.A., Mathematics and Statistics, May 1988, Rutgers University
Administration and Supervision, preK-12
Specific Learning Disabilities, K-12
Emotional Disturbance, K-12
Kappa Delta Pi
Arc-Educational Leadership Award
Relevant training​
Adaptive Schools
Cognitive Coaching
Real Talk: Engaging in Difficult Conversations
Fierce Conversations
Facilitating Better IEPs: A Win-Win Situation​
Negotiating IEPs; Writing Better IEPs: How to Develop Legally Correct and Educationally Useful Programs